Saturday, November 27, 2010

Who Makes Doral Tires?

Birth of UEE "José Leonardo Chirino "

Education Unit State Authority "José Leonardo Chirino" located in the Rose Garden South, sent us these pictures of the births of their children. Congratulations again to the Education Unit for its initiative to submit their projects to the website of the Sub-Region No. 1.
The Yelli Teachers (Accounting) and Nelly (Biology)
This is the birth to represent the José Leonardo Chirino in the contest

The Director congratulated the teachers for births
decorated with Christmas

Photos submitted by: Prof. Luis Camacho
Teaching Institution

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can The Mirena Make You Infertile

Educational Institutions and Sport Los Salias

This Friday November 19 from 9 am, was held at the premises of the field of Fagu 1, a triangular Softball II commemorating the anniversary of Labour Workshop on Special Education (TEL) " Mariño conception. " Attended softball teams Liceo "José Leonardo Chirino" under the leadership of Professor Luis Camacho, the UEP "Alma Mater" and the hosts of TEL, under the leadership of Professor Dion.
It was a wonderful morning expressed according to the present teaching of SLI to these guys, who demonstrated a high quality sports and hostess. On this page I give the most sincere thank Professor Dion and the body of teachers present, for its second anniversary.
results of the meetings:

1st Game:
TEL ......................... ................. 7
JLC ........................... ............ 6

2nd game:
Alma Mater ................... ............ 9
TEL ................................ ........... 8

Professor Luis Camacho, manager of the JLC

looks JLC meeting between TEL and

Professor José Granado and JLC boys

The TEL bar
The teachers who were excellent hosts
looks TEL Boys

Comments and photos by : Prof. Luis Camacho
Teacher of the JLC

Friday, November 12, 2010

Film Confidentiality Cluase

EU Reinauguracion" Carmen González Gomez "Bulk Delivery