Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Sometimes the worst prison that we are our own paradigms. Our way of thinking, binds us and blinds us, so that we can see below. We are prisoners in our own cell, we jailer, torturer and prisoner.

Who has the keys to our cell or dynamite to fly this prison ourselves. But we dare not use them, because we are captives of our worst executioner ... The Fear.

Who got us here? What do I know? There are a thousand and one reasons ... A disappointment in love, infidelity, self-esteem misunderstood. An unhappy childhood, or otherwise paternal overprotection. A physical defect, economic poverty, ideology, or religion castrating ...

This is why we are not even allowed to peep through the bars outside. Over time we have become accustomed to the small size of our cell, to the extent that large spaces of hate.

And freedom is that, a large space. Perhaps happiness not out of those four walls, but if the opportunity is created. Because happiness has to be created, there is on order, but needs a major element, freedom.

already intuit the reason, now which is the dungeon?

a wrong relationship or difficult to end a relationship that survives for lack of a decision. A grim and hopeless life, afraid to use your free will and wrong.

Fear not, it will not pass anything that has no cure, you are entitled to happiness, and you have to build it yourself. In your life you can make it happy or unhappy, does not depend on anyone but yourself. That

dungeon remember, you can kill your body, but never your soul. Let me show you to be free and build your happiness. But to start changing the old paradigm, for this:

"Happiness does exist and I have a right to it."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Altos News from campuses reopened today Mirandinos

On Tuesday January 25 was held at the UEE" Jose Leonardo Chirino "located in the Rose Garden, the meeting prior to the delivery of ballots from the first period, with representatives of different sections of the campus. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Miriam Sandoval, Director of the institution, there is raised several issues related to the teaching process, school safety, academic performance, among others.

giving the school principal guidelines:

General view of the meeting
Professor and Professor Miriam Sandoval
Renny Pernia
aspects of the meeting:

On Wednesday January 26th high school was supervised by Prof. Nelly Miranda (Director of Diversified Media and the Directorate of Education), prof. Narvaez and Prof. Belkis Urbina Fredd the Education Sub-Region No. 1. Supervision was guided by our Director Miriam Sandoval, and which was addressed to the Departments of Control Study, Evaluation and Sectional 1 and 2. Excellent work being carried out by educational authorities.

In the Department of Control and Evaluation Study:
Prof. Evelin Perez:
Aspects of supervision:
Prof. Fred Urbina giving guidelines:
Prof. Prof. Renny Pernia and Nelly de Miranda:
Prof. Prof. Luis Camacho and Nelly de Miranda:
Reunion with the authorities
aspects of the meeting:

Photos sent to the Sub-Region Education No. 1
by: UEE "Jose Leonardo Chirino"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pathophysiology Schematic


If you put a buzzard in a box measuring 2 meters x 2 meters and it is completely open at the top, the bird, despite its ability to fly, will an absolute prisoner. The reason is that the buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 3 to 4 meters. Without space to run, as is his habit, or even attempt to fly but that will be prisoner for life in a small jail homeless ..

THE BAT The ordinary bat that flies by all sides during the night is a very skillful creature in the air, but can not rise from a place at ground level.
If it is placed on the floor in a flat, all you can do is crawl helplessly and, no doubt painfully, until it reaches a slightly elevated site from which to launch himself into the air.
then immediately takes off to fly


Bee to be deposited in an open container will remain there until they die, unless be taken from there.
never sees the possibility of escape exists above it, but continues trying to find some way of escape through the sides near the bottom.
continue seeking a solution where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.


In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat and the bee.
We deal with our problems and frustrations,
without ever realizing that all we have to do is look up.
That is the answer, the escape route and the solution to any problem.
Just look up!. SADNESS

looks back



Friday, January 7, 2011

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administrative activities in all our institutions: Beginning in 2011

On the morning of Friday January 7, 2011 marked the beginning of the administrative activities of the "José Leonardo Chirino" with the Council of Teachers convened by Campus Management. The objective of this Council was to present the guidelines issued by the 2nd Board of Directors held in Caracas in days past, and give teachers the schedule of classes and activities until July 2011. Here are a few:

Guidelines Second Board of Directors:
Activities from 17 to 23 January 2011:

  • 1 er hiatus, taking the cumulative record of October and November as 100% of continuous assessment, no make final assessments of period (30%).
  • Sections Councils Develop, deliver newsletters from 1 st lapse.
  • Prepare the appropriate pedagogical
  • Implement and record the assessment of the matter pendiente.Ver Cirules 07 dated 27/10/2010

Council of Teachers of the day:

Education Committee:
  • Magda Morán
  • Angel Hernandez
  • Luis Camacho
  • Evelyn Perez
  • Renny Pernia
Administrative Commission:

  • Monica Garnica. Rolo Algeria
  • Laura Perozo
  • Carlos Codecido
Maintenance Committee:
  • Yely Guevara
  • Nelly Diaz
  • Isagledys
  • Guzmán Miguel Arrieta
  • José Granados
  • Jasmine Abello
partial aspect of the Council

Providing guidelines to teachers
Director, Prof. Miriam Sandoval
Professor Nachy by reading the Act
Council looks

Teachers Council looks

Prof. Luis Camacho (Control Study) and Prof. Renny Pernia (Evaluation Department)

Photos sent to the Education Sub-Region No. 1 by: Prof. Luis Camacho

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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On behalf of managers, teachers, administrators and workers of the Sub -Education Region No. 1, Upper Mirandinos. We wish all our teachers, the greatest personal and professional success during this coming year. And while inviting them to continue their education who showed excellent performance during 2010.

Prof. Carlos Brea
Director Sub-Region No. 1