Saturday, May 7, 2011

Colloidal Silver For Uti Treatment

Especially for you

Who is a parent and those who will be ...
There is a period in which the parents of our children are left orphans.

They grow independently of us, whispering trees and birds as reckless. Grow without asking to life with a cheerful and sometimes stridently, with vaunted arrogance.

But do not grow every day
suddenly grow!

One day, they sit near you and with incredible ease, they tell you anything that indicates that this creature until yesterday in diapers and baby steps trembling and uncertain, grew ...

When did you not perceive it?
Where are the children's parties, play in the sand and birthday clowns?
grew up in a ritual of obedience organic and civil disobedience.

Now you are there, in front of the disc, looking forward, not only do not grow, but you see ...

There are many parents at the wheel, hoping to go whizzing on skates, with their hair long and loose.

And there are our children, from burgers and soft drinks on street corners, in the uniform of his generation and cumbersome backpacks.

And here we are, with gray hair ...
And they are our children who we love despite the wind blows, the poor harvests of peace, the bad news and the dictatorships of the hours.

They grew up watching and learning from our mistakes and our successes, mainly with the hope not to repeat mistakes ...

There is a period in which parents children are being left orphaned, and not looking at the doors of nightclubs and cinemas.

spent time on the piano, soccer, ballet, swimming ...
left the back seat and went behind the wheel of their own lives.

should have gone next to your bed at night, to hear his breathing soul, conversations and confidences between the sheets when they were children and adolescents. Those rooms full of stickers, posters, diaries and records colorful deafening.
grow Do not leave without showing all your love!

At first we were accompanied to the field, the beach, pool and meeting friends, without missing Christmas. There were big fights in the car through the window, orders of gum and trendy music.

Then came the time when parents are traveling with an effort and suffering again because it was very difficult to separate from friends and former boyfriends.

And we were exiled parents of the children, we now have the solitude and tranquility that we always wanted ...

And we got the moment we only look from afar, some silent and hope you make good choices in the pursuit of happiness
conquer the world and less complex as possible! It is expected
at any time give us grandchildren. The baby grandson is now idle and stalled.
why grandparents are so disproportionate. And out of control both the expression of affection. Grandchildren are the last chance to re-edit our affection.

therefore need to do something more! before they grow ...
only learn to be children when they are parents ...
And just learn to be parents when they are grandparents ... !

Now that next day I propose mothers have an account, the title of mother does not get to have a drink for feats that arrives around the time that you spend every day and for everything you do for the during his life ...