Monday, February 28, 2011

West Point With No Demerits

The 5 languages love - II

Quality time
When we talk about quality time, talk of giving someone your undivided attention. This is not to sit on TV together, but that with the TV off, looking at each other's eyes sharing a focus on the other. It means going for a walk together, do things together but with fully directed attention to each other. Sometimes in a restaurant you can see the difference between a dating and marriage.
The couple look at each face, the marriage looks around. It seems that marriage is going to the restaurant to eat and be together. When we give our exclusive attention we are giving our time, we are sharing and giving our lives. That is an expression of love.
The quality time, what we intimacy is forged.
An intimacy that has nothing to do with how close we are physically
each other. Nor does it mean sex. We're talking about
focus our attention on each other. We speak of unanimity look
central this quality time. If a parent roll a ball playing with
her two years, his attention is on the ball but in the child. If
shoot the ball well is talking with a customer on the phone, but is
near your child physically, we can not speak of unanimity.
When we focus attention on the other we are not talking
look us in the eyes with nothing to say or do. We talked about
do things together, where we do is not important but what is central
we are together in the activity. We can play tennis with
our partner, climb a mountain. So no matter who wins, no matter
the altitude of the mountain we're climbing. What matters is what
happens at an emotional level, we are doing something together.

Some variants of this form of expression of love.

  • The quality conversation

is an important way to spend time together
quality . Talk about sharing experiences, feelings,
thoughts, opinions, desires. This is not the same as what
talked in the first language of love "words of encouragement."
Then we talked about what we say. Now perhaps we are referring more to how
listen. If I love my partner, my son, I need to listen without sue
say what I think. I can say, I can ask, but
particularly with respect and sincere attention. Sadly the conversation
can return in a competition of ideas. This should not be so, we
build mutual respect that we give freedom to express ourselves.

ILLUSTRATION - Our book in question talks about a husband who
his wife heard their problems at work. The man of resolution, we
said, "you face your problems, talk to your superiors and
confront the issue." The next day, she returned to express his displeasure in
work. He asked, "did what I said. "She lowered her head and
silent response was no. In the end, he said exasperated,
"because I do not talk about it again, if you're not going to do anything to fix
not want to hear more complaints." She retreated from the relationship until
reach a point of separation. The problem is we need to see the
marriage is not about winning an argument, to convince the other. A
sometimes just listening can do so much. Perhaps even we will not be agree, but we are not going to separate. The separation is not difference of opinion but no love. Marriage is not a project that we take to succeed as a company. It is a relationship. Here are some suggestions for the quality of our conversations

1. Keep eye contact with your partner when you're talking about.
2. Do not do anything else while listening, if want that to be a quality conversation.
3. Beyond the words is to understand the heart of
4. Watch the body language.
5. Do not interrupt when another is speaking .

For a good discussion perhaps we must learn to speak
. Sometimes we do not express the heart. We have stunted the
ability to express our feelings and opinions. Some in
growth never took place to express their feelings.
To have an intimate relationship we
know our feelings, to express and to understand the other.
For expression, we also influence our
different personalities. Some people get a lot of experience in the day
but is happy without counting. These people might go on a trip to Pamplona
Sevilla, talking very little, and be happy with it. At the other extreme there
whom anything that comes by hearing or sight has a
expression by mouth.
Often these two ends meet and marry . Everything is
great, a great communicator with a good listener, and vice versa. But after 5 years of marriage the communicator up one morning and
says, "Well, actually do not know him. "Good listener, on the other side says,
good, would have a break or that once was heard.
In these cases we must learn new behaviors.
Our personality really influences us, but is simply
"comfortable" that controls us. Exchange would be good for at least three things
day to each other. And one must learn to listen and
another expression. This can forge a good start of expression
mutual .

  • planning activities together
When one partner expresses dissatisfaction because not
do things together, usually a clear indication that his
need is quality time. The activity is irrelevant in a sense, the desire to dictate
who has the need. As an example we can take

of a couple when she was born in a house music lover
clásica y él a la pop. Cuando se casen puede ser una buena expresión de 
amor el ir a un concierto. Con ello, no solamente estará expresando su 
afecto sino que constituirá un banco de recuerdos de donde se podrá surtir 
enb los años venideros. “Te acuerdass cuando..?” 
 Hay actividades como plantar flores, lavar el coche, ir al monte, etc.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pic Of The Largest Clotris

The 5 love languages \u200b\u200b- I

Palabras de afirmacion

said on one occasion Mark Twain "I can live for two months with
a compliment, a recognition." If we take this literally
would say that with six good compliments could maintain their status
emotional good for one year. Probably your partner
need more than that.
"Death and life are in the power of language ..." Pr 18.21
and not speaking a word of the executioner, but the power behind the words we speak about others.
"Heaviness in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes
happy. "Pr 12.25
The truth is that words of gratitude, gratitude, appreciation,
of mind can be a way to express love very valuable. What
environment could be created in our relations a word frequency
as "Look how beautiful these in those clothes" or "Thank you for
help with this or that. " Sometimes, either because the criticism is as easy
or because the truth is that we are happy to talk to despotism
say, " Going down the garbage or wait for the flies to the
lleven al contenedor?” Sin embargo cuando recibimos palabras de 
ánimo o gratitud estamos mucho más abiertos a responder a los deseos 
del otro que cuando recibimos una demanda cargada de criticismo.  
  • A. Palabras de ánimo  
Animar significa “dar aliento.” Esa es una forma en que tus palabras 
pueden expresar tu amor. Todos nosotros tenemos áreas en las que nos 
feel insecure. We lack that spirit that keeps us from doing what
dream. It is doubtful that we are fully using our
capabilities and is certainly no recognition is impossible
realize our full potential. Your husband may have
undeveloped skills in a manner expected of your words to
possible to start because insecurity stop them. Often
man busy with their profession and vocation, ignores
capabilities that his wife may have undeveloped. Sometimes they are the
coming of the children that prevent development, but our
indifference or disinterest can also be a cause. Encourage her with words,
encourage you to take a course or meet with these or those are
ways we express our love for her.
Of course, giving encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from
the other's perspective. What matters is not what we consider
important, but what our spouse considers important. Not
our skills but of him or her. It is not encouraged to do
our thoughts but to encourage to meet their
prospects or hope.
  • B. Kind words
over the content of our words is our tone that gives
meaning. The same phrase may invite intimacy or break the
communication. Words can lead almost irresistibly to anger
or may placate anger. You can even express offenses or misdemeanors
behavior in a way that invites rather than restoring the
"The soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger "
Pr 15.1
As humans one of the kind words we need are the
of forgiveness, because I'm sure that from time to time about
unintentionally offend us. Errors and sins of the past once
confessed and forgiven will not go again. A judge's attitude
relentless, demanding, bitterness, can not build intimacy.
For this we need forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a commitment
. "Although you could still need some time to
heal my wound that will not emerge as a conflict between us."
This is also a necessary kindness in our words.
  • C. Words in humility
Love calls, no demands. If I demand I become the father and my wife in the
three year old girl who does not know what to do. We must always bear in mind that in marriage are two adults and peers, we are partners. To build intimacy is necessary to know the wishes and needs of the person you want to have that relationship. Sometimes we express our desires, ask for theirs,
but always giving or asking for guidance on how to express love, no ultimatums presented.
not even a domineering mother or a father demanding can build a privacy
with their children by maintaining a relentless attitude, how much less
with an adult? We need to give a choice to respond to our request
or not. Given a choice you can respond in love, but with the requirement
love suffocates.
You may not be a man or woman of many words and this
way of expressing love too much trouble. Test to see and record if necessary
encouraging words you read in books or see in movies.
When you talk to your wife talks to @ before other compliments to her or him.
Support your wife when you participate in a conversation with friends.
publicly acknowledges the support or part your wife on the achievements you've accomplished.
Words are a very important vehicle for expressing affection.
However, although important may not be the most important
for you. Whether the circumstances of our childhood, either by different
circumstances that could trigger a lack of love in the couple, which for me can be very important to you is not. Among the ways we express affection for another second language.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daily's Fruit Mixersalbany


Judeo-Christian Movement. A number of nations in the Galatian churches were subjected to practices of Jewish law. In terms of the early church, Judaizers were those who thought that enforcement as necessary or desirable for the Christian life. In the Church Judaizing tendencies have appeared at various times.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Can I Get My Mechanic Licence

Craft of Baseball in Our State: Chat

vs Guaicaipuro vs Guaicaipuro Saturday 26/02/2011 Pre-Paratori Guaicaipuro Plaza vs Child Guaicaipuro 27/02/2011 Sunday 9:00 a.m. vs. Pre-child vs Child Guaicaipuro Plaza Guaicaipuro
Day Date Time Team vs Team Category Place
26/02/2011 Saturday 9:00 a.m. Guaicaipuro Plaza Prejunior Est.Guaicaipuro
Saturday 26 / 02/2011 12:00 p.m. vs Junior Plaza Est.Guaicaipuro
Saturday 26/02/2011 03:00 pm Youth Plaza Est.Guaicaipuro
9:00 a.m. Plaza vs Guaicaipuro Plaza
Saturday 26/02/2011 12:00 p.m. Plaza vs Pre-child Plaza
Saturday 26/02/2011 03:00 pm Plaza
Guaicaipuro vs Plaza Pre-Paratori Est El Paso
Sunday 27/02/2011 12:00 p.m. Guaicaipuro Plaza Est El Paso
Sunday 27/02/2011 03:00 pm Guaicaipuro Plaza Est El Paso
Sunday 27/02/2011 9:00 a.m. Plaza vs Guaicaipuro Prejunior Plaza
Sunday 27/02/2011 12:00 p.m. Plaza vs Junior Plaza
Sunday 27/02/2011 03:00 pm vs Youth Plaza

League **
Day Date Time Team vs Team Place Category
Friday 25/02/2011 ** 07:00 pm Carrizal RVT vs Master Est Guaicaipuro
Saturday 26/02/2011 07:00 pm Dolphins vs The Bones Class "A" Est Guaicaipuro
Sunday 27/02/2011 9:00 a.m. Brave Pumas vs Class "A" Est Guaicaipuro
Sunday 27/02/2011 12:00 p.m. Chiefs vs ** Winner Master Est Guaicaipuro

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pediatric Eczema Images

Jewish Doctrines

Conservative Judaism.
Jewish Movement. As a historical movement, Conservative Judaism was directed by Zacharias Frankel (1801-1875) and tried to limit the influence of new ideas of the Age of Enlightenment who infiltrated the Jewish community. They tried to reconcile their traditions with new research and historical methods, but always seeking to maintain Jewish identity. Conservative Judaism was therefore aimed at preserving the tradition, but without rejecting modernity. For example, his supporters claim that the Mosaic Law is still valid, but The rabbinical leaders can set certain changes.
Among the educational institutions that have ties to the movement are Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York, the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary in Buenos Aires, the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, and the Beit Midrash in Jerusalem. The left wing of the movement gave rise to Reconstructionism (® Reconstructionist Judaism), but the right wing opposed the decision of Conservative Judaism to ordain women as rabbis, and later formed the Union for Traditional Judaism.

Esoteric Judaism.
esoteric interpretation of Judaism. Rather the study of esoteric elements in the development of religion among the Jews and especially in groups like the Essenes ®, the ® Karaites, the Jewish Cabala (Kabbala ®), the syncretic religion in Judaism, Gnosticism ® among Jews, Mandaeism (® Mandaean), etc.

Orthodox Judaism.
Jewish Movement. Jewish traditionalists who insist on literal interpretation of the Torah and accept a lifestyle based on the legal requirements of Halacha, or rabbinic tradition. Do not accept the authority of the rabbis of other liberal beliefs about the reception of converts and in matters such as divorce. Neither used the organ music is opposed to use for proselytizing propaganda and demanded that men and women sit in separate places in the synagogue. In Israel, most of the Orthodox support religious parties, but they are a minority among Israeli Jews.

In the United States has several major centers where they are established, as in Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago, southern Florida and the Northeast. They also have large communities in Toronto and Montreal (Canada), Melbourne (Australia), Antwerp (Belgium) and the former Soviet Union.

Reconstructionist Judaism.
Jewish Movement. Jews who have done pioneering work in the struggle for equality between men and women within the Jewish context. Under the leadership of Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, the Society for the Advancement of Judaism was founded in 1922 with the aim of integrating scientific and democratic values \u200b\u200band scholarship in a "reconstruction of Judaism." Among its institutions include the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, founded by R. Ira Eisenstein.

The move is considered as passed the age of Halacha, or rabbinic tradition. For them, the ® JUDAISM is the religious civilization of the Jewish people and, therefore, must evolve and adapt their beliefs and practices to the needs of the world. Among its special features highlights his rejection of belief in a supernatural God to intervene in the affairs of men.

Since its foundation have joined the girls to the Jewish ceremony of initiation or bar mitzvah. In 1968 they decided to ordain women rabbis and allowed the ladies to take the lead in religious divorce or gittin. His most famous institution is the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania.

Reconstructionists strongly support the State of Israel.

Reform Judaism.
Jewish Movement. The differences between Orthodox Judaism ® and amendment or amendments, considered more liberal or progressive, are related to the authority of the Halacha, or rabbinic tradition, biblical and legal aspects. Although the reformists accept the authority of the Torah, make a distinction between eternal elements and legal forms or traditions product of an era.

The Reformers put aside his belief in a personal Messiah. Are generally more flexible than other Jews, especially the Orthodox. For example, agree that the ® Judaism is inherited not only by the mother but the father. Jews were the first to ordain women as rabbis.

The movement has its roots in a progressive Jewish school and synagogue organized by Israel Jacobson in Seesen. Jacobson moved later to Berlin and held religious services in private homes. Hamburg's Jews built a synagogue in 1818 and named "temple." The United States organized the Reformed Society of Israelites in Charleston, South Carolina, in the period 1825-1833. Over time, the American Reformed movement became a name when Isaac Mayer Wise founded an organization of synagogues, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in 1873, and also the Hebrew Union College in 1875.

Black Jews
(also known as "Jews Ethiopians ',' felajas "," felashas "or" Falasha. ")
Ethiopian Jewish Community. Ethiopian converts to Judaism since antiquity. Ethiopian Jews or black Jews have focused particularly on his faith in the Old Testament, but do not use the Talmud.
A good number of them have been converted to the Coptic Church or the Protestant, while others have emigrated to Israel and one sector has remained in Ethiopia.

Toilet Roll Test 2011


Today is the birthday of the blog, is amazing, DOS YEARS AND

When I started this blog to its original name was Small accounts and the idea was to write just that little word that occurred to me in the ebb and flow of life ... fact or fiction? around a bit but not mixed much personal life. Over the days I started getting comments, strange for me because I never thought anyone would be interested even see this site which according to me, no one knew existed, my first comment was "an anonymous" who was interested in Mexico and I intended to give him virtual tours for my country and tips for improving your day to day, that's how the name of blog change and new sections started to appear in it, now who was responsible for this blog would turn 180 degrees and from here I say thanks for everything.
This adventure began as an outlet for real life, by an accumulation of events that occurred during my life was my anchor to my port alertness, the stillness, it was my escape from reality and the everyday a routine that I absorbed and devoured me.

Day to day writing and getting to know new people, life was getting easier as I read the comments left me, my life better and my world was glad. Really do not know everything you have done for me during these two years, and today I want to thank EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to come, to read, to share a few words, for the time so generously shared with me, for being there on the other side of the screen, because it is so far yet so near me, making me feel like their friendship, his generosity, his sympathy, his discomfort sometimes disagreed, his polemic, his heat, proximity, presence and essence THANKS

Thanks, that really have done much for me, thanks for letting me be part of their lives but especially thanks for being part of my life



Friday, February 18, 2011

What Do They Look Like Basque

The Mosquito and the Lion

A mischievous and impertinent mosquito, had some days the occurrence of disturbing a lion that was resting quietly. He approached the beast and all insolence, he said: - do I have fear! You are no more powerful than me! And if you think otherwise, show me what you can do! "Scratches with your nails? "Nailing your fangs? Bah ... that can make even the weakest of the kittens! The Lion, indifferent, not the slightest attention to the words of the mosquito, but he continued to insist: - I am stronger and braver than you and I'll show you!, I challenge you fight! And more, the mosquito began to circle around the lion was on him and stuck his stinger in the nose of the cat. Desperate, the poor lion began scratching, clawing at the air he roared in pain, until he felt tired and withdrew to follow luchando.El mosquito, victorious and satisfied, sounded his trumpet flew buzzing and singing a song of triumph. I was so blinded by pride, did not notice a spider stood in his flight and was caught in it. Mourning and weeping, the mosquito lamented ...-¡ I make war on the strongest animal, will I win ... and now succumbed to the most insignificant insect! This is the price he paid for the intrepid mosquito arrogant and boastful.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Is There A Purple Spot On My Ipod Touch 4

pray for our brethren in Israel.

I could wish my own neshama be put in Xerém in xurban and onesh guejinom, Moshiach section because of my axim, who are my relatives:
What are B'nai Yisrael which is the mishpat jabanim and jabanim ma'amar and kavod, b'ritot, and the Torah, and avodas qodesh, and havtaxot, and Shexina; (Romans 9:3-4), This as the apostle Paul expressed his grief at having to accept that their fellow Jews had a negative attitude towards the Messiah, were so strong in their rejection even persecuted the church and the apostles and although this seems to be very distant from what is currently happening in Israel, there are communities "Christian" or as they say in Hebrew "Meshixim" in Israel who are suffering defamation, harassment, etc and we need to pray to the Lord to give them strength to our brothers.
Although we know that it is faith in Christ that justifies us, they keep some Jewish traditions, but are not Judaizers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yellow Superman Wrestling Singlet

Youth Message (Paul Washer)

Add legend
Paul washer preaching to youth, a message of holiness, truth and commitment to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in these days where world moves increasingly in the church is necessary to raise men to preach the truth no matter the consequences, which our Father Yahweh and Yeshua haMashiax bless and fill you with His Holy Spirit through the preaching .

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monotheistic religion. One of the great religions of history. Set of religious institutions in Israel. It is race, faith, culture and history of the Jewish people. Judaism

The term derives from the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, Judah. The Judaism of the Bible extends to the year 70 AD The rabbinical starts from that year and the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. During this period emerge as schools and teachers Yabna Gamaliel II. The reflection on the Torah or Law, that is, the Pentateuch, became a center of religious life to be destroyed the temple and finally disappear the priesthood. It encodes the Talmud and interpretative literature emerges as "midrash" and "Mishnah."

medieval Judaism inherited the Babylonian and flourishes in various academic disciplines instigated by the Muslim advance. Modern Judaism, ie the last five centuries, culminating with the return to Israel.

Jewish doctrine is monotheistic and antitrinitarian. Its main emphasis lies in normative Judaism in Torah. Judaism was divided before the coming of Christ. These divisions were the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes ®. A nationalist sector bore the name of zealots. In the Middle Ages could not absorb the ® Karaites, but more recently emerged liberal groups, conservative and reformed to make concessions to the environment and historical change.

The Orthodox are kept as close to the Jews of earlier times. These last enjoyed great privileges in Israel. In addition to compliance with the law and the practice of circumcision, the Jews maintained their messianic expectation, ie that He will establish His perfect government on earth through the Messiah.

In the process of development of his thought, a huge Jewish sector has been identified with liberalism and even more rampant secularism. A large number Jews married to Gentiles. In fact, only a minority of worship. Places of worship are called synagogues, usually led by rabbis, teachers of religion.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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cute, right?? BUT AT LEAST I would be in conflict, THINK IT TOOK ME Or keep it, BUT WHEN THE FOAM WILL BE MISSING ... Ephemeral as ALL NO??

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Spread the seed that the field is ready
root and will emerge strong
bush ... Purge me with your hands, feel your fingers brush against Verne
grow and I am no longer seen as yesterday's dreams
Sower make me dream ...

I'm hoping fertile
me I want to plant seeds ready to enter the ground and sprout
'm ripe fruit waiting for me I want to cut
mixture of flavors and sensations in your mouth
dreams I mold make me dream. BB ARIADNA

Howto Building A Fence With Horizontal Slats

CNU in Los Altos Mirandinos Talk

on Wednesday 02 February last was held in the facilities of the University Simon Rodriguez, chat directed by authorities in the Highlands Mirandinos CNU. It was addressed to the coordinators and Control Evaluation Study of public and private educational institutions. The turnout was massive and very positive guidance.
Note that the registration of students in the system OPSU will be open until February 11, 2011.

Photos sent to the Sub-Region by: Prof. Luis Camacho

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Mant Calories Are In Beef Tips

Gender Violence in the CEBA "Joseph A. Rodriguez Lopez"

On Monday 31/01/1911 at night took place in the CEBA "Jose Antonio Rodriguez Lopez" a talk on "Gender Violence." It was guided by the female staff of psychologists, lawyers and guiding the Ministry of Justice, assigned here in Los Teques.
The talk was very well reasoned and resources were excellent, the participants of this institution State Authority were very attentive and grateful for this support professional staff of the Ministry of Justice.

Appearance of the talk:

The Prof (a). Miriam Sandoval, welcoming:
Appearance of the talk:
One of the professionals talk:
One professionals talk:
Appearance of the talk:
Appearance of the talk:
One of the professionals of the talk:
In full exhibition:

Photos sent to the Sub-region No. 1
by: CEBA "Joseph A. Rodriguez Lopez "