Monday, March 28, 2011

Navy Retirement E-6 2010

Satan Humanism

Much is talking about the ability we have to develop our dreams, projects, visions and businesses, and to be successful people in life, and we said that the blessings of God are to human achievement, acquisition of property and reputation in society.
is unfortunate that many people are swallowing all this deception disguised as gospel which focuses on nothing but the carnal desires of men, such as exaltation I, development of self, self, etc.
This is because the natural man desires the admiration of other people, and self-promotion rather than give up the treasures of this world to follow the footsteps of Christ who said: If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself , and take up his cross , and follow me. ( Mat 16:24 ) , but Satan is concerned that we do not take that Cross which is the sign of suffering for Christ's sake, making us believe that God wants us to suffer, but the Apostle Peter wrote: which (Satan) resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same conditions are accomplished in your brotherhood throughout the world. ( 1Pe 5:9) . is normal for the enemy of our souls do not want to take up our cross and deny ourselves because this way the stop the work God is doing in your church, because the world is under the evil their main job is polluting the church with this type of human and humanistic philosophies and it is using people who represent authority within the church And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So it is not surprising if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. ( 2 Cor 11:14-15).
This is nothing new we can see that even Christ did persuaded to humanistic thought when Peter began to rebuke him not to go to the cross but Christ answered: ! thee behind me, Satan ! , you offend me, because your mind on the things of God, but those of men . ( Mat 16:23). That's the attitude we should have us recognize that the devil wants to deceive us and to Adam and Eve who had no sin nature but were tempted to be as God, to raise self-esteem, to seek self-gratification , but all they managed was to fall into sin and being separated from God.

no mistake
Man without God is worthless, and without Christ to the Father, the Bible commands us to raise our self-esteem but on the contrary d igo, then, by the grace given unto me, to everyone who is among you, that is no more highly of himself than he ought to have ... ( Rom 12:3) leaving it clear that we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Saviour and his love for men, saved us not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,
Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by his grace we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. (Titus 3:3-7).
So the man has no merit, no capacity, no freedom, born short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and only having been redeemed in Christ we can have our hope and Christ said:
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing . (John 15:5)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Is Red Dragon Coming Poptropica

cute Hello Jessi, (THE WORLD Jessi) hope you are well.

From here I wish you the best today and always, God will take care, hugs and kisses

for you this video ..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Fast Does A Sundiro Xdz50qt-b Moped Go

general of the Spirit's work lies in two main classifications in relation to Church 1) regeneration and salvation of people and 2) the construction of its people in a higher growth in the Gospel . This second part is the study at this time. Sanctification is the work of the Spirit, and begins with the conversion start and grow from that point. Even after the born again believer, the Spirit's work continues to progress and growth sanctification of the soul. Since the new birth must also be a new life. Christ is emphatic in demonstrating the appearance of the fruits of a believer in Matthew 7:16-20: By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree can not bear bad fruit, and a bad tree can not bear fruit bueno.Todo tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. And says Every branch in me that bears no fruit, the short, but every branch that does bear fruit he prunes * to give more fruit yet (John 15:2).
This change comes from a genuine change of heart.
Sanctification and the continuation of the spiritual life depends on the operation of the grace of the Spirit.
If the Spirit gives us life, we walk led by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).
However, you do not live in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if any man have not the Spirit of Christ is not Christ (Romans 8:9).
The operation of the Spirit is His will that works in us, because it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). This walk in the Spirit maintains a constant conflict with sin that dwells in us and try to crucify the remnants of sin remain in the soul. Paul says in Galatians 5:17 , For the lust of the flesh against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary to each other, so they do not do what you want.
However, all reasons for the goodness in the believer, and every move of good works are done by the power of the Spirit and his action in a gesture of the soul to work properly. Galatians 5:18 says: But if ye be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kenmore 417.98702891 Remove Drum

A small tear slid down my cheek.

lost in the immensity of the dry land. Small and insignificant

symbol of sadness. Silent Witness

storm that falls on me. Sweet Reminder

kiss that lies in a corner missed
the indomitable time. Silent Witness

a vertiginous feeling that is lost out there. Tear

salt that does not mitigate anything, silent tears

vain hope.
NOTE: This poem is about my sister easily convinced me to let me post something on my blog. THANKS SISTER

Denise Milani Transpa

Sanctification Camels, needles and money (part 2)

continue with the topic about the riches, this is the final part of this writing, the first study that through the scriptures (especially the NT) we realize that wealth can be (and are in most cases if not all) a tremendous obstacle to enter the kingdom of heaven (Mark 10:25), unfortunately the prosperity teachers have twisted the scriptures and even they have been denied so exposing their false teaching and bring a curse on those who listen and understand your message. Now I leave a message John Piper expounding this issue clearly, ask the Lord to open your eyes and ears of all who will listen and read this post. Blessings.
And making a whip of cords, all (h) gave the sanctuary, as well as oxen sheep, and scattered the money changers changes (i), and the tables turned; and those who sold doves he said: "Lift up this here, do not do the house My Father's house of business. " recalled the disciples it is written:" Zeal for your house consumes me * "(Juan2 :15-17) (Septuagint)
* " Devour me" in the LXX

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Funny Save The Date Cards

Corposervicios Miranda continues rehabilitation of schools

Today Thursday following the progress of the State Authority gate Liceo "José Leonardo Chirino", which solves much of the security of this institution. Thanks to the management of the Director Miriam Sandoval, and the concern of Professor Carlos Brea haras to preserve the structure of that institution., It has the support of Corposervicios Miranda, who sent the workers required to build columns and installation of the gate.
Notably, the blacksmith who is building the gate is representative of the Lyceum, who in a selfless and is working with the institution.

excavations were started for the columns:

soon have the gate and security
excavations were initiated for columns:

hard at work:
party tools:
A representative who is working with the institution:
Internal view of the gateway
This was the old entrance near Liceo
One of the doors finished:
Part of the gate estrucutura

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tooth Filling Swollen Reaction


A story ...

A cycle is closed and a thousand doors to open

received the news today, had ended treatment so long, had finally won the battle against cancer after two years of a long and tough race seemed to have expired at the news and time stood still, his ears could not believe such good news, the heart beats him while she thought it would come out of chest ... ....

could not believe the nightmare was over, began to mourn and laugh at the same time, it crossed his mind many things, many people, the thoughts came and went quickly, suddenly in his mind the figure of the person support both the hard times, he was there with the big smile and open arms, mind goes back to that time he said it first ....

was a Sunday afternoon in which she was working when suddenly your phone rings, she looks at the screen to answer questions, because they do not know whether to share the news or keep it for him too, and takes the call automatically after initial greetings tells him that's gone to the doctor and their pains are a tumor that was removed and see if it is benign or not, but it seems that it is cancer, the other side is heard a sound like a long sigh and then a -you will see how everything goes right, and a thousand words of support on his mind right now are not present when he gave the news that shook like a leaf and his heart was beating so much for the fear that would not let her hear it any more, but inside I knew I had it to him, even when he was on the other side of the ocean ...

And not mistaken, he was always a phone call , e, a short line, a picture ... until one day he received a notice, the love of his life soon to be father of a beautiful pair of twins and she even knew it was an event to celebrate he did, instead that felt a pang that pierced his heart and only managed to send a short message with an

congratulations ... From that moment his life took a turn, the post stopped coming fluently, words are shortened and the calls are over, she felt alone even though I had many people around its supporters, wept frequently and between treatment and his attempt to live their lives as normal as possible the time he was going, the hope of receiving mail was becoming more distant but yet she never lost hope of finding something, a short line, a hello ... but no, nothing like that happened the distance is large and heavy to ....

Why was in love with the wrong person? Because the distance between the two had to be so?

She had begun to fall in love with him because I thought it was free to do so, when she met him, he was going through a difficult time of separation with his wife and she was slowly falling in love with him ... .. But love was not reciprocal ...

For be engaged in this "love, torment" did not realize there was a person who loved her infinitely, and each day gave him the heart and soul into every word and every second; until one morning that until now had become his best friend, "his family doctor," I brought some beautiful flowers to your room without further said he was in love with her that she was brave and admirable ....

The force of habit she had wanted it very much and it was important in your life, but love?? That was far from feeling it is true that I was infinitely grateful for the days when he took his hand after chemotherapy, at night he sang a song, by the thousands of chess games had been won or golfrenatas those chocolates and biscuits they had shared in secret in the room ....

As might say to this man who did not love him, at least not with the love of your dreams, and hurt the person she had helped her in life, such as refusing to love when you see it in the eyes of a person to which you do not love? ..

No, definitely, she could not say no ... I wanted to be given the opportunity to love and feel loved, maybe true love was not one who is given as an impulse, he was not given at first sight, maybe the love was not like in the stories, perhaps love was a daily struggle in which he had to plant to harvest, maybe it was time to leave his rosy world and ventures with firm steps in building a true path to love ...

Today on this important day it .. Two years into this story, can only be grateful to life with God and with that first love of his life which I now know was ephemeral as life itself ...

And it says to herself to live not always get a second chance ... ... .. BB ARIADNA

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Maria Conchita Alonso

Camels, needles and money (Part I).

I have often wondered what Jesus meant when he said: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. ( Luc 18:25) , if I take this text literally would be saying that if you are rich you are in trouble because you have a disability to enter the kingdom of heaven, it really would major problems to those they are preaching the prosperity gospel as preached damnation would rather tell me salvación.Alguno " then do not take this text literally " but then I would answer: why not? . My question is, do you believe in this saying of Jesus there is some esoteric teaching, or do you think Jesus did not try to say what is meant in that sentence?. Some try to say that that it only said that rich was having this particular conversation with him, yet Christ generalize his response, did not say " this rich," he said "rich," implying this So what he said was applicable to all the rich.

Luc 18:25 ευκοπωτερον 2123: A-NSN-C Easier work γαρ 1063: CONJ because εστιν 1510: V-PAI-3S is καμηλον 2574: N-ASM camel δια 1223: PREP through τρηματος 5168: N- GSN hole βελονης 4476: N-GSF needle eiselthein 1525: V-2AAN entrar the 2228: PRT que rich 4145: A-ASM rico in 1519: PREP inward την 3588: T-ASF on βασιλειαν 932: N-ASF kingdom του 3588: T-GSM of the θεου 2316: N-GSM God εισελθειν 1525: V-2AAN enter.

This English version of interlinear Greek / us to see the full text as literal, is so literal that does not use these expressions in Castilian but reading you will realize that you can find meaning even in this way.
some people have argued that the phrase "eye of a needle" no means a literal needle but a small door between the door bigger entrance to the city, implying ; and difficulty rather impossibility. To this point I lean on the Bible Dictionary Nelson (Nelson test in E-sword):

"expression Jesus used in Matthew 19:24 (see also Mk 10.25; Luke 18.25):" It is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. "Such language is very peculiar in Rabbinical writings, to denote something very unusual and very difficult. For example, in the Talmud appears twice the expression using an elephant instead of a camel, for something that is impossible. To the same end is represented also a camel dancing in a very small extent for grains. Some scholars interpret "the eye of a needle" as a reference to the narrow pedestrian gate, but there is no historical evidence to support this interpretation. As we see, are various interpretations for this term, but perhaps Jesus used a humorous comparison purpose to suggest the impossible: that a camel can in fact go through the eye of a needle.
When the disciples heard how "hard is this word," he asked, "Who then can be saved?" And Jesus said, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Mt 19.25-26). Even the best man in the world can not get salvation because only he may receive as a gift from God. "

Then we see the response that Jesus gave in Matthew 19:25-26 that we are talking about failure, we have seen the exegetical context of this text, and it is clear this point.

Paul also writes:

(RV60) because the root of all evil is the love of money, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

(JER) Because the root of all evil is the desire for money, and some, let go of it, they have erred in the faith and tormented with many sorrows.

1Ti 6:10 ριζα 4491: N-NSF root γαρ 1063: CONJ because παντων 3956: A-GPN all των 3588: T-GPN the κακων 2556: A-GPN bad (things) εστιν 1510: V-PAI-3S is η 3588:T-NSF el φιλαργυρια 5365:N-NSF cariño a (la) plata ης 3739:R-GSF de cual τινες 5100: X-NPM some ορεγομενοι 3713: V-PMP-NPM extending forward απεπλανηθησαν 635: V-API-3P were misled απο 575: PREP from της 3588: T-GSF the πιστεως 4102: N-GSF confidence και 2532: CONJ and εαυτους 1438: F-3APM themselves περιεπειραν 4044: V-AAI-3P holes around οδυναις 3601: N-DPF to pain πολλαις 4183: A-DPF many

I dwell on the Greek root of the phrase "love of money" because many people objected the word here means worship of money, have a altar, or an obsession, because associate the word love with the Greek root "agape" which is described by Paul as a denial to my own human interests by offering selfless devotion to please God and wanting the highest good of others. However, the word used here for "love of money" has a totally different meaning, see:

Strong's: φιλάργυρος filárguros; of G5384 and G696; who loves the silver (money), ie miser, miser- . see that this expression is formed by the union of two Greek words "edges" (φίλος edged prop. Dear, ie friend, act. Love, ie friendly (still as a noun, associate, neighbor, etc..) -friend. and arguros (silver money). As you can see by this definition "love of money" we interpret that what Paul was referring to is that even if you have a small wish about monetary gain, the same desire can lead you to ruin your integrity and be exposed to ; eternal damnation.

But not only this text indicates that we can also rely on the narrative that Christ did the rich fool where the rich clearly seeks the repose of his soul in his monetary achievements: "And tell my soul, Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years, rest, eat, drink, have fun. " But God said," You fool! This very night your soul, and now who will own what you have prepared? "(Luke 12:19-20 ) , but Christ said about wealth: not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal , ( Mat 6:19-20), and the apostles understood very well the message that Christ had given the impediment that represent wealth to reach the kingdom of heaven after all in the Sermon on the Mount said, turning his eyes to his disciples: Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. ( Luke 6:20), and although some say that he was being spiritual sense (because it is also well ), Santiago I walk with Christ by listening to his doctrine writes: my beloved brethren, listen: Is not God chosen the poor this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom He promised those who love him? ( Jas 2:5) ... Hear now, ye rich! weep and howl for your miseries coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten.

Your gold and silver have rusted, the rust be a witness against you and consume your flesh like fire . It is in recent days that have accumulated treasures. (James 5:1-3), Peter also warned that the desire for wealth is a sign to identify false teachers: 2Pe 2:2 And many will follow their solutions, because of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words. On such a long time their condemnation has not been idle, and their damnation does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:2-3), The apostle Judas (not Judas Iscariot), writes about false prophets and teachers Balaam also quoted which is biblically known to follow the path of economic rewards: unto them! They have gone the way of Cain, and profits jumped into the error of Balaam and perished in Korah's rebellion. (Jud 1:11).

could still see the biblical examples of what Christ and the apostles taught about money and its effectiveness as a means to achieve eternal damnation.
Before I want to leave with the greatest examples of how effective it can be money and love to economic gains as a means to condemnation

Brothers, it was necessary to fulfill the Scripture that the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, , which was guide to those who arrested Jesus, and was numbered with us, and had part in this ministry.
this man with the reward of iniquity took a field, and falling headlong, he burst through the middle and all his bowels gushed out.
And it was known to all inhabitants of Jerusalem, , so that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, which means field of blood. (Acts 1:16-19)

Mat 19:24: Again I say, it is easier pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (Jesus Christ, the Son of God)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sayings For Save The Date Cards

Lord, you are my rock. Exchange

This is a video I made my brother in Christ and blood "David", this is the description he does:
"I want to share this worship because I was a person afraid of what could happen when I was out of my house but one day in church singing this worship the Lord touched my heart and I felt the presence of God, I just remember watching a flash and I felt very, very small on a par with the great light that told me do not be afraid that I always will be watching you just have to believe in mi.Espero is a blessing for you. "

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where Cani Watch Ben 10 Aliens Unleashed

I ever trust
We were raised with common moral principles:
When we were children, mothers, fathers, teachers, grandparents, uncles, neighbors
authorities were worthy of respect and consideration. The closer
or older, love gave us. It was unimaginable politely respond poorly to the elders, teachers or authorities ... HAD RESPECT
adults were confident they were all fathers, mothers and families of all those kids on the block , the neighborhood of the city ... We
just afraid of the dark, of frogs, mice, or horror movies ... Today I have

infinite sadness for everything that we lost.
For all that fear my grandchildren one day.
For fear in the eyes of children, young, old and adults.
human rights "for criminals .. ?
Unlimited "honest citizens duties ...?
Paying debts is being silly ..?
amnesty "for scammers ...?
"The honest ones are stupid ..? Do not take advantage
is being stupid .. ?
What happened to us ..?
abused in the classroom Teachers, merchants threatened by traffickers, corrupt strutting their power bars on our windows and doors. Each

locked in their world
worth more than hugs, gifts for children wanting to go off course. Cell
in the backpacks of fresh from the diapers.
What we have to do to get a hug? Armani
Better than a diploma. Better
a giant screen conversation
an expensive car is better than a all-weather friendship. Better

seem to be ... Apparently

Better to be ...
I want to get the bars of my window to touch the flowers!
I want to sit on the sidewalk and keep the door open on summer nights
want honesty as a source of pride. I
righteousness of character, clean face and look into his eyes. I want to go
boast of our political leaders.
I hope, happiness, confidence, faith ... I
shame, and solidarity.
I want the "word of man" becomes a synonym for oath.
I want a return to real life, simple as rain, clean as an April sky, light as the breeze of the morning!
Down "BE"! SER
Viva! "
And definitely common, like me or like you. I love a world
simple and common. Having
love, charity, solidarity as the foundations of life.
Let's go back to being "people" to recover the "tribe" lost
Let us build a better, fairer,
where people respect people, tolerant and without permission.
"No. ..?
"... Yes?
Who knows ...
At least make the attempt ...


Friday, March 4, 2011

Teachers Digital Playground Stream

family values \u200b\u200b

Lately there has been much confusion in our society that values \u200b\u200band important concepts have been distorted, this is due to constant barrage of media and the supreme exaltation of I and materialism. Currently the association is part of systems flooding his mind with wrong ideas and would expect people who have achieved a certain kind of maturity knew face and recognize such cosas.La church has also been a victim of this confusion about values \u200b\u200band priorities, the apostle Paul encouraged the church in his writings not to be left away by the current world as we see in Rom. 12:2: not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what the will of God, pleasing and perfect., 1 Corinthians 2:6 However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, and not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that perish.

There is conflict and confusion where the misinformation comes within the family, and mainly from parents, since they are in charge of transmitting message form the character and the basis on which children and young people make decisions in each situation his life.
What is fashionable today is to work to give "the best" to our children, but the concept is being handled is that the "best" for our children has to do with the material only, I have observed many families who have migrated to different countries looking for a better future for their children and have managed to achieve their financial goals, but their children have been lost in the course of this world, but most parents do not realize that pursue that dream or goal, they have neglected their children turning them over to neglect and thinking that the material can cover gaps love, understanding, tolerance, loyalty, etc. And some of these parents have the tendency to blame their children from certain acts of rebellion and even reproach them that they work to give them the best, with This does not mean that the young man is responsible, but what I want to emphasize that the father being head of household is responsible for ensuring that this providing all education, care and spiritual and moral practice within the home.

Our appreciation of reality is somewhat distorted because currently seeing a family with many economic achievements say that this family is successful, and the same family believes that successful, but often ignore the fact that some members of this family are enslaved in sin, devoted to worldly pleasures, living in a world of debauchery, damaging their bodies and minds, disrespecting their parents, being unfaithful to his wife, having illegitimate children, risking their lives for sexually transmitted diseases, especially away from God.
But we refuse to see this because even as Christians do not always have adequate education, There are many preachers who are talking more about economic prosperity of holiness, then the worldly mind the fullness of life associated with material goods entering the church, and spiritual values \u200b\u200bhave changed by the desire to possess material goods and deception is so strong that we really believe that give the best to our children is give them the material, and many are unable to see their error because they are so contaminated that need to be shaken hard to wake up to reality.

Christ is at the gates, youth is lost, values \u200b\u200bare lost, react, For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Or what shall a man give for his soul? ( Matthew 16:26) ; For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it (Mat 16:25 ) .

God bless you my brothers, and remember :
So do not lose heart, but though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but which are not seen as things that are seen are temporal; but what is unseen is eternal. ( 2Co 4:16-18)

Surgery For Sebaceous Cyst On Dog

So outlined the local newspaper, the groups organized by the Sub-Region Education No. 1

The color was painted Teques

Mary J.
R. Rodríguez Under the start of Carnival 2011, the State Authority of Los Teques schools marched through the city streets to the rhythm of the samba. At 8:00 am started the journey that started from the street to the Guaicaipuro Miquilén. For this event

warblers and his companions prepared their best clothes to brighten the streets of the capital Mirandinos. Importantly, unlike previous years, this time the subregion with school principals raised the rescue of values \u200b\u200blocales. / at / Image: Eliezer Ugas

Schools winners will be elected next week
1500 children planted and harvested peace
future during school troupes

The parade began its journey in the UEP Our Señora del Carmen and ended at the Yellow House, was full of joy and great hope for peace and global unity

THE TEQUES .- Alegría, union, and especially wind of hope is what was observed along the 24 school troupes of the Government of Miranda, which is called "Sowing the environment and keep the peace at World ". In a journey that began in the UEP Nuestra Señora del Carmen and ended at the Casa Amarilla, over 1500 children and young people wore their costumes allude to world peace and the unity of the country, accompanied by their parents and teachers .

Carlos Brea, head of the Subregion Mirandinos Higher Education, accompanied the schools in the cry Mirandinos carnival in the capital, where the different groups were responsible for putting samba rhythm to the parade. "We are here in which has become the school parade, where we have the presence of 24 schools from early childhood, primary, secondary and special training, with at least 1400 students we show the importance of environmental conservation, under the slogan Planting and Conserving the environment at the World Peace "he said.

" With this most excellent participation we have the opportunity to tell people that peace can accomplish many things, and state schools could not escape this time. So we started a party with joy, with joy, and the number of parades, costumes, give us a great encouragement to continue this educational effort . Meanwhile Ivonne Diaz Miranda Education, said he was happy to see all children and young people working together for the rescue of traditions, "particularly in an environment full of peace, of respect, especially with the message that lead to unity, solidarity, to build peace together. "

" It's a very festive atmosphere but organized, all children want to build peace, to work in harmony and why all the schools together to share this initiative for peaceful coexistence. On the other hand, teachers of the IEE Francisco de Miranda stressed that the costumes were made by the children themselves with help from parents and teachers, showing their enthusiasm for this holiday carnival.

The school parade was guarded by officers of the Miranda State Police and Civil Protection, while the jury was headed by representatives of the Casa del Pueblo and Los Teques Case, who will then announce the winning troupes during the next week.

Yerlis González /

equipment Educational Sub-Region N ª 1, which did excellent work in these troupes
Professor Camacho, editor of the company's website at Equipment Sub-Region

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Digital Playground Collection Watchonline

The 5 Love Languages \u200b\u200b- Index

We reached the end of this series entitled the 5 love languages, each entries from the book was The 5 Love Languages \u200b\u200b( how to express his sincere devotion to spouse) written by Gary Chapman , I hope these writings will serve them much whether they are married and if you still are not, because this way there is clearly also the role of each spouse within marriage.

Access Voicemail On Home Phone *

The 5 languages \u200b\u200bof love - Opinion

discovering your language.

Men usually have a sexual desire, but that is by nature, need not always be that.
Some guidelines to discern your primary language.

1. What makes you feel loved more than anything else?

2. Looking at the negatives, what makes you feel less loved? What hurts more?

3. What I have asked more for my wife? Probably not good if we have expressed that there has been a misunderstanding, but we talk about our needs.

4. What choose in a natural way to express your affection to your wife?

5. When you think your husband was ideal, what do you think?

6. When you fall in love with your spouse that made you want to be with her / him?

7. Discuss with your wife or parents, which may be your host.

These things can tell us what is our main language,
but not decisive. We may be imitating our parents
and not looking at ourselves.
you make a list of five in order of priority. You may
which are the two most important, but this does not mean that it

more difficult to put your partner. If that is the trend is that more than
selfishness language is what you have. Here no room for tyranny. We feel satisfied with something.
two languages \u200b\u200bIf you want to say that there more possibilities that can be content
in your perception of love . There are two types of people
have difficulty seeing their principal language.
First who has had his emotional tank filled by
long. On the other hand one that has been so empty time
not remember what makes you feel loved.

X. Conclusion, some observations.

We must be aware that love is a choice, involves a
effort by someone without expecting ourselves to be rewarded
with our expressions of love. When we choose to express our love
actively in the form of another, really emotional
create a climate conducive to talking, and even to solve problems or
past mistakes. If we do not adopt an altruistic attitude
conflict lasts and you can start to look for love outside the relationship.
the other hand, if we feel loved we have the strength to act creatively in
our relationship and even in our personal and work goals.
us feel loved.
Yes it is true that loathe washing dishes or
start the washer. You may suffer because your partner is spending the money and refused to buy

details. But it's the way the other person perceives
you love her then you should. Furthermore
hand, we must be grateful when our partner
with or without effort expresses his love for us.