Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Sporting event at the Sports "Arnaldo Arocha"

Este sabado 30 de Abril en horas de la mañana se reinauguró el Polideportivo de El Paso "Arnaldo Arocha". Estuvieron presentes el Gobernador del Estado y las autoridades estadales, asi como también de la Sub-Regiòn Educativa Nº 1 Altos Mirandinos, con el Profesor Carlos Brea y su equipo. Se realizaron competencias  de atletismo y futbol. Este polideportivo es un orgullo para nosotros los habitantes de Los Teques, ya que viene a contribuir enormemente con el deporte en nuestra ciudad.

Polideportivo "Arnaldo Arocha"

Fotos y reportaje por:
Prof. Luis Camacho
Blogger Editor

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Nicky Cruz express a few words in memory of Rev. David Wilkerson.

Nicky Cruz and David Wilkerson
all know the story of Nicky Cruz , a young gang member mired in hatred and bitterness, we are all shocked to read the book or see the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" that is how a humble preacher named David Wilkerson , decides to take the message of salvation to a young gangsters and rebels and how Nicky is reached by the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today I translated a letter of Nicky, in expressing his sorrow at what has happened with the Rev. David Wilkerson:

is impossible to summarize adequately over 50 years of memories. For decades, I've told people, and especially my family, without obedience to David Wilkerson had come into the pits of hell, and would not be here neither I nor the millions of souls who have come to the Lord through Nicky Cruz Outreach, Teen Challenge, Victory Outreach, and World Challenge. The story tells of the legacy he has left behind and the countless number People like me who touched whom nobody dared to approach.

Coming from my background, I lacked the influence and guidance of a father in my life. David stepped in and assumed the role of not only my spiritual father, but also of the earthly father. I loved him. He was always very concerned that everything was fine with me spiritually. He was always there when I needed him. He often advice me to be in the ministry was not easy. Once I remember I said

"Nicky, sometimes I get discouraged. But when I do, think about the day of your conversion, and the miracle that Jesus did in your life. Thinking this day always uplifting me and hold me. That memory always makes me happy. "
somehow reminds me of Jesus. Like Jesus, never stayed in one place. Like Jesus, that his eyes were active and compassionate, looking at people and their needs . His heart was full of compassion. David Wilkerson was a man who was always taking detours when necessary to accomplish the work. David had a heart as sensitive to the pain of others. You know what? That's what made him a great man - the will to get out of their way for the lost and broken.

Mucha People saw David as a prophet rough. But in his heart, he was a teddy bear - that's the David Wilkerson that many do not know, but whom I knew personally.

No matter what people say, I can say that I really knew him. The man who became my mentor, he left his heart in my heart, and that is why he became an evangelist.

Evangelism was the heart of David Wilkerson.

Dave once told me that what makes a man to Jesus is never in vain. I was always very proud of him when I heard him preach. He was an impressive preacher and he was right in his discernment of the times. His death is a loss for us, but a gain for heaven.

Son of God, husband, father, grandfather, evangelist, pastor, writer, prophet, friend, confidant, my spiritual father and friend, David Wilkerson. The world has lost a truly great man.

"Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints."-Psalm 116:15

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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When all resources fail ... The last words of Pastor David Wilkerson.

The pastor and evangelist David Wilkerson, author of famous book "The Cross and the Switchblade "died Wednesday in a traffic accident in Texas. He was 79. Reverend Wilkerson
was founding pastor of Times Square Church in New York, and the organization Teen Challenge. "With deep sadness we inform you the sudden death of Rev. David Wilkerson, our founding pastor," said Pastor the Times Square Church Carter Conlon, said in a statement on the website of the congregation.
Conlon added that details on the Wilkerson memorial service would be provided later. "Please remember the Wilkerson family in their prayers in a time when our founder, the Rev. David Wilkerson, passed with the Lord tonight," said Teen Challenge his followers on Twitter. The evangelist is survived by his wife, four children and 11 grandchildren.

I wanted to share the last public words that the pastor Wilkerson on his blog that same day in the morning:

believe when all resources fail very pleased God and is highly accepted by him. Jesus told Thomas: "Because I've seen, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29).

Blessed those who believe when no evidence of an answer to his prayer. Blessed are those who hope beyond hope when all means have failed.

Someone has come to a place of despair, at the end of hope and end of any appeal. A loved one facing death and the doctors do not give hope. Death seems inevitable. The hope is gone. Prayed for a miracle but it has not happened.
is at this moment when the forces of Satan are directed to attack your mind with fear, anger and overwhelming questions like "Where is your God? You prayed until he was left with tears, he fasted, he remained in the promises and trust. "Blasphemous thoughts are injected into his mind:" The prayer failed, faith failed. I will not abandon God but trust in him anymore. Not worth it! "Even questions about the existence of God come to mind.

This has been the device that Satan has used for centuries. Some of the men and most pious women of all time lived such demonic attacks.
For those who pass through the valley of the shadow of death, hear this word: Crying some dark and terrible last night, but amid the darkness soon hear the whisper of the Father: "I am with you. At this moment I can not tell you why, but one day everything will make sense. You see it was all part of my plan. It was an accident. There has been a failure on your part. Hold on. Let me hold you in this hour of sorrow. "

Beloved, God has never failed to act in kindness and love. When all resources fail, their love prevails. Hold on to your faith. Remain steadfast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.

David Wilkerson .- 27.04.2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

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why not repent? Guilty

During this last time I've worried enough to observe a growing problem in the heart of the personas.Me've been wondering what happens to them?, it seems that lust, anger, adultery, blasphemy, lust, strife, deceit, revenge, false testimony, injustice, etc, are sins that can not speak, much less confront.
some time started a movement of "tolerance" of sin that has become popular to use famous phrases like "God loves the sinner ", "Judge not that ye be not judged", "who are we to judge," "The that is without sin cast the first stone ", etc..
The problem is that in the Bible we see that what separates man from God is sin (Rom 3:23), and the exactly is the gospel of Christ's sacrifice for our redemption, and grace us overcome sin, but if the church does not speak of sin, people are listening to a gospel incomplete (for Thus a false gospel), then they can not come to repentance, because how will regret something that they are not convinced?.
This is a serious problem because what I have observed is that most of the people who consider themselves Christian never repented of their sins, have grown in a gospel which is not allowed to confront their own sin, and not because they want to, but because they can not, because they think they have to repent and become saved because they are already in the church and its pastors and "brothers" treat them cristianos.Pero as these people have not had a change of nature, has not borne fruit of repentance, has not borne fruit of the spirit, but when someone wants to evangelize and speak of Christ to confront them with their sins, you go with what religion has taught them: "who are you to judge," "He who is without sin cast the first stone", etc.. They think that the Christian life can be lived even while you remain enslaved to your sins, but the big problem is that brothers and pastors give them wings and tolerate them and make them see that that is normal in the Christian life, but Christ came to save us from sin, If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 Jn 1:6-7)

Dear brothers and friends, how someone can repent if it is convinced of his sin?, We are called to preach the word, and the Holy Spirit convict of sin (John 16:8), but if we keep quiet, or present a different gospel how came to the attention of True Gospel? .

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? ( Rom 10:14)

For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus whom we preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have received, or different gospel from the one you accepted, well put (2 Corinthians 11:4)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

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2ND. CONGRESS of physical economy


1st Session May 23, 2011 School of Economics. Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Santo Tomas Drive.

2nd Session May 25, 2011 Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico. Unit Texcoco.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

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Happy Birthday Professor Carlos Brea

Today is the birthday of the Assistant Director of Education Region No. 1 High Mirandinos, Professor Carlos Brea. His whole team wishes you the best in the world in this special day.
Especially the family sends greetings Camacho-Arteaga: Yormari, Luis, Adrian and Maria Fernanda. Wishing you light and prosperity always cover you and always guide your way.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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is very common in our daily lives we face various problems in our relationships are differences mind and character that are manifested mostly in our marriages, dating, family relationships or amistad.Estos problems are caused by our sin nature, and most times we can egoísmo.Somos screaming, stalk, strike, push, manipulate, etc. because they often want to impose our ideas or whims, and perhaps the person you discussed as well. Whence come wars and fightings among you? Is it not your passions, that war in your members? ( Jas 4:1).

People who are without Christ has realized this problem and some even seek help, and somehow there are some few who manage to live lives seemingly "stable" but the truth of the matter is that sin and selfishness of man is still burning in their hearts and someday will go luz.Las offenses have done to their spouses, friends, colleagues or people in general have often been cleared and forgiven, and that is how the man without Christ is solved your problem.

Inside the church there is the case that men are constantly crashing against each other, many times we have vivido.Nos we angry, we hurt, we fought with a brother or with someone, we consider ourselves part of the body of Christ, but the truth is that we get angry and often selfish.
But the problem is not that the real problem is that we often behave as unbelievers, we only have offended a human being, but we forget that our behavior offends God, and above all is a direct sin against the Lord which , having overlooked the times of this ignorance, but now commands all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30); by God not to take the guilty If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all evil. (1 John 1:9); The problem is that many Sometimes we ask forgiveness from our spouse, our parents, our friends, etc, but we think that as people we forgive, then God also did but because of your hardness and your impenitent heart treasuring up for yourself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of God's fair trial ( Rom 2:5).

Brothers is important to be right with men, but more important to be right with God if the Holy Spirit He lives in us convicts us of sin (John 16:8), but if you live in impenitence (lack of repentance) before the Lord, offended and arranged with men, but far from grace, forgiveness and mercy of God are to tremble lest we get to the throne of God we declare: guilty.

Come now, says Yahweh, and let us reason together: though your sins be as scarlet, as snow they shall be white, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

Monday, April 11, 2011

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Hiding from the truth.

weighs heavily on my heart to see the incredibly low mentality, which focuses solely on here and now. seems that as man progresses, and as the years go by our vision of the world becomes more and more egocéntrica.Todo this is the result of that we have forgotten the transcendent, we put aside the cause that made we came into existence, and in the process we surrender our will to illusions that we ourselves as a human race we have built .
is very common now that our identity is based on something we do, if we exercise medicine, medical somo if we have a law degree we give him every right to give us an identity, if we raise money our value in society, if we go out dancing and drinking with a group that has a reputation we are superior to others, etc. These findings are the failed attempt to give meaning to life, start looking for economic, familial, social, political, etc. And in many cases we can achieve the measure of success that has been established in this society but we know nothing of the truth.

Men carrying the banner of intelligence and rationality in this world (I mean the scientists) have concluded that man is simply a matter and that no different a piece of stone, and for this reason there is no objective meaning in the existence of the human race, those who know about the naturalism and the theory of evolution really know the argument raised science is that we are products of unguided evolution and the process of thought and belief systems are merely the product of neurophysiology that when the effect of evolutionary processes is not focused on generating true beliefs but only on survival which extends logically refute the All of our beliefs and the reliability of our cognitive faculties.

So even science has been regarded as a god does not answer or issue any truth, but instead seems to be based on fallacious arguments and self-contradictory, not really count all known theories could be wrong for two reasons:

  • because there is no way to check the reliability of our senses
  • because the evidence that contradicts current theories discarded

So who has the novelty? and why people hide it?
The father of lies is interested in giving you anything you want as long as you stop thinking about seeking the truth, that is why the news, radio, internet and newspapers tell you what People with power want you to know, it is not a secret that the media are giving information that has been previously selected to remove the air and help to keep people asleep.

I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me.

In the eternal search for truth Jesus Himself claimed to be the truth, death and resurrection, the witnesses, the previous prophecy (law, prophets and the Psalms), and current signals (earthquakes, false Christs, hunger, persecution, war, etc) provide clear evidence that Jesus is quien dijo Ser. No cabe duda que este siglo está lleno de gente conformista que prefiere seguir deleitándose en el pecado y en sus logros personales que tener un encuentro con la verdad, lo triste es que cada minuto que pasa la muerte esta más cerca, y a ti cuando termines de leer este articulo la muerte estará mas cerca de alcanzarte, ¿seguirás conformándote con tu pecado y persiguiendo las ilusiones que tú mismo te construiste? ¿ seguirás con tu rebeldía aun sabiendo que la muerte te está persiguiendo y que cada día esta closest to you? or will you let Christ becomes the Lord of your life and give you the identity that you ever had? more Do not hide the truth.

But as many as received Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave power to become children of God (John 1:12).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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These photos are my daily view from my office, this is in the first box Mexico City and I am on the 14th floor of a wonderful building, from here perceive the greatness of this city, beautiful architecture, but mostly appreciates the constant coming and going of people from this height is and a tiny inevitably think of so many dreams that each person carries every day .

This place is a dream come true, it's like to touch the sky just to stretch your fingers, go here is able to fly with wings own here I allow myself to dream and part of everything I pay for letting me be here ....

That may be asked to life is not?

But all you have to set foot on earth and let down from heaven to continue the daily routine .. . and as each day must tell goodbye to dreams for tomorrow to try to convert actually ...

a big hug


Sunday, April 3, 2011

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"The disease is a conflict between the personality and soul." Dr. Bach often ... The cold "dripping" when the body does not cry. Sore throat "clogged" when you can not communicate distress. The stomach "burns" when the rage not get out. Diabetes "invade" when loneliness hurts. The body "fat" when pressed dissatisfaction. Headache "depressed" when doubts increase. The heart is "loose" when the meaning of life seems to end. "Allergy" appears when perfectionism is intolerable. The nails are "broken" when the defenses are threatened. Chest "click" when pride slaves. Pressure "Up" when fear imprisons. Neuroses "paralyzed" when the inner child bullying. Fever "heated" when borders exploit defenses of immunity. And your pain "quiet." How to "speak" in your body? Choose someone who can help "organizing ideas", "harmonize the feelings" and restore joy. All we need healthy "an interested listener." But it all depends mainly on our personal effort to make moves happen in our lives.

the author is unknown ......." SHOUT WHEN THE BODY ... WHAT THE MOUTH SHUT "

Friday, April 1, 2011

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The Curriculum of the Apostles

The Apostles of the New Testament vs. The apostles of the new millennium (Siglo XXI).

Curriculum of the apostles and servants of the New Testament:

2Co 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

1Co 4:11  Hasta esta hora padecemos hambre, y tenemos sed, y estamos desnudos, y somos abofeteados, y no tenemos morada fixed.
1Co 4:12 And we toil, working with our hands, being cursed, we bless, being persecuted, we endure;
1Co 4:13 ; being defamed, we pray, we have become as the scum of the earth, the disposal of all so far.

Acts 4:19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it is right before God to obey you rather than God:
Acts 4:20 Because we can not say what we have seen and heard.
Acts 4:21 and after threats, and not finding anything to punish them, because they let them go the people, because everyone glorified God for what had been done.

Acts 12:1 And at the same time Herod the king laid hands on some of the church to mistreat them.
Acts 12:2 And he killed sword James, the brother of John.
Acts 12:3 And when he had pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. Then were the days of unleavened bread.
Acts 12:4 And having turned on, put him in prison, and delivered to four squads of soldiers to guard him, wanting to get the people after Easter.
Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was constantly praying to God for him.

Curriculum of the "apostles and servants" of the 21st century.

  • $ 3.5 million with 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, includes 6,000 square feet, a view of the Pacific Ocean and parking for ten cars in its underground garage.
  • luxurious presidential suites, which can easily cost over $ 1,000.00 a night.
  • Flights to Europe on the Concorde for $ 8.000 per person.
  • 500,000.00 and an annual salary between $ 1 million. And it seems to include all compensation, including travel expenses or other questionable perks.
  • armed bodyguards
  • Cars Mercedez Benz, BMW, Porsche, Ferrari, etc.
  • Manager
  • Jet Private
  • "special anointing" to curse those who rise up against his ministry
  • "special anointing" to receive anti-biblical revelation.
  • "special anointing" to launch a presidential bid
  • Diplomatic Immunity
you brothers and do not be fooled either by title or by signs or vain for words of wisdom, nor humanistic philosophies, not by emotion or feelings, nor by dreams and revelations, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself an angel of light. So it is not surprising if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works (2 Cor 11:13-15). Despite it also these men, living in a dream, pollute his body rejected the authority of the Lord and insult to the higher powers (Jude 1:8, God Translation).