Monday, April 11, 2011

Sample Bridal Shower Invitation Gift Cards

Hiding from the truth.

weighs heavily on my heart to see the incredibly low mentality, which focuses solely on here and now. seems that as man progresses, and as the years go by our vision of the world becomes more and more egocéntrica.Todo this is the result of that we have forgotten the transcendent, we put aside the cause that made we came into existence, and in the process we surrender our will to illusions that we ourselves as a human race we have built .
is very common now that our identity is based on something we do, if we exercise medicine, medical somo if we have a law degree we give him every right to give us an identity, if we raise money our value in society, if we go out dancing and drinking with a group that has a reputation we are superior to others, etc. These findings are the failed attempt to give meaning to life, start looking for economic, familial, social, political, etc. And in many cases we can achieve the measure of success that has been established in this society but we know nothing of the truth.

Men carrying the banner of intelligence and rationality in this world (I mean the scientists) have concluded that man is simply a matter and that no different a piece of stone, and for this reason there is no objective meaning in the existence of the human race, those who know about the naturalism and the theory of evolution really know the argument raised science is that we are products of unguided evolution and the process of thought and belief systems are merely the product of neurophysiology that when the effect of evolutionary processes is not focused on generating true beliefs but only on survival which extends logically refute the All of our beliefs and the reliability of our cognitive faculties.

So even science has been regarded as a god does not answer or issue any truth, but instead seems to be based on fallacious arguments and self-contradictory, not really count all known theories could be wrong for two reasons:

  • because there is no way to check the reliability of our senses
  • because the evidence that contradicts current theories discarded

So who has the novelty? and why people hide it?
The father of lies is interested in giving you anything you want as long as you stop thinking about seeking the truth, that is why the news, radio, internet and newspapers tell you what People with power want you to know, it is not a secret that the media are giving information that has been previously selected to remove the air and help to keep people asleep.

I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me.

In the eternal search for truth Jesus Himself claimed to be the truth, death and resurrection, the witnesses, the previous prophecy (law, prophets and the Psalms), and current signals (earthquakes, false Christs, hunger, persecution, war, etc) provide clear evidence that Jesus is quien dijo Ser. No cabe duda que este siglo está lleno de gente conformista que prefiere seguir deleitándose en el pecado y en sus logros personales que tener un encuentro con la verdad, lo triste es que cada minuto que pasa la muerte esta más cerca, y a ti cuando termines de leer este articulo la muerte estará mas cerca de alcanzarte, ¿seguirás conformándote con tu pecado y persiguiendo las ilusiones que tú mismo te construiste? ¿ seguirás con tu rebeldía aun sabiendo que la muerte te está persiguiendo y que cada día esta closest to you? or will you let Christ becomes the Lord of your life and give you the identity that you ever had? more Do not hide the truth.

But as many as received Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave power to become children of God (John 1:12).


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