Friday, April 29, 2011

Marathon Poster Slogans

Nicky Cruz express a few words in memory of Rev. David Wilkerson.

Nicky Cruz and David Wilkerson
all know the story of Nicky Cruz , a young gang member mired in hatred and bitterness, we are all shocked to read the book or see the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" that is how a humble preacher named David Wilkerson , decides to take the message of salvation to a young gangsters and rebels and how Nicky is reached by the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today I translated a letter of Nicky, in expressing his sorrow at what has happened with the Rev. David Wilkerson:

is impossible to summarize adequately over 50 years of memories. For decades, I've told people, and especially my family, without obedience to David Wilkerson had come into the pits of hell, and would not be here neither I nor the millions of souls who have come to the Lord through Nicky Cruz Outreach, Teen Challenge, Victory Outreach, and World Challenge. The story tells of the legacy he has left behind and the countless number People like me who touched whom nobody dared to approach.

Coming from my background, I lacked the influence and guidance of a father in my life. David stepped in and assumed the role of not only my spiritual father, but also of the earthly father. I loved him. He was always very concerned that everything was fine with me spiritually. He was always there when I needed him. He often advice me to be in the ministry was not easy. Once I remember I said

"Nicky, sometimes I get discouraged. But when I do, think about the day of your conversion, and the miracle that Jesus did in your life. Thinking this day always uplifting me and hold me. That memory always makes me happy. "
somehow reminds me of Jesus. Like Jesus, never stayed in one place. Like Jesus, that his eyes were active and compassionate, looking at people and their needs . His heart was full of compassion. David Wilkerson was a man who was always taking detours when necessary to accomplish the work. David had a heart as sensitive to the pain of others. You know what? That's what made him a great man - the will to get out of their way for the lost and broken.

Mucha People saw David as a prophet rough. But in his heart, he was a teddy bear - that's the David Wilkerson that many do not know, but whom I knew personally.

No matter what people say, I can say that I really knew him. The man who became my mentor, he left his heart in my heart, and that is why he became an evangelist.

Evangelism was the heart of David Wilkerson.

Dave once told me that what makes a man to Jesus is never in vain. I was always very proud of him when I heard him preach. He was an impressive preacher and he was right in his discernment of the times. His death is a loss for us, but a gain for heaven.

Son of God, husband, father, grandfather, evangelist, pastor, writer, prophet, friend, confidant, my spiritual father and friend, David Wilkerson. The world has lost a truly great man.

"Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints."-Psalm 116:15


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